A story released on Monday by the State Journal-Register featuring The Hope Institute for Children and Families' music therapist, Rachel Rambach, was re-printed Wednesday across 17 newspapers nationwide. The story, Musician offers lyrical learning with music therapy, was re-printed from Boston to Louisiana. Great Job Rachel!
Galesburg Register-Mail
Olney - Olney Daily Mail
Benton - The Benton Evening News
DuQuoin- The Duquoin Evening Call
Monmouth - The Monmouth Atlas
Framingham (Boston Area) - Metro-West Daily News
Brockton - Enterprise News
Taunton - The Taunton Daily Gazette
Newport - Newport Independent
Arkadelphia - The Daily Siftings Herald
Hope - The Hope Star
Middletown - Middletown Transcript
The Pratt Tribune
Norwich - The Norwich Bulletin
New York
Utica - The Utica Dispatch-Observer
Rolla - The Rolla Daily News
The Southwest Daily News
Rachel Rambach is a true gem for your organization. You are blessed to have such a talented young woman on your staff. Never under estimate the power of music. She has sung for my mother in law who was in the late stages of Alzheimers, and even though she did not know us anymore, she sang along with a huge smile on her face with all the words coming to her easily. Rachel is a true miracle worker.